
procedures| Treatment | retreatment | surgery

no 3Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal)

When the inside of your tooth is filled with diseased pulp and bacteria, root canal therapy is necessary. Although your dentist received training in endodontic treatment during dental school, you have been referred to Lake Cumberland Endodontics because this is a specialty practice limited to conventional or surgical root canal therapy. Both Dr. Burkett and Dr. Cheuvront have recieved advanced training in Endodontic treatment and both doctors have significant experience in performing endodontic treatment procedures. Dr. Burkett is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics and Dr. Cheuvront is a Board Eligible Endodontist. This ensures the highest quality of care for patients and demonstrates an exemplary level of knowledge, understanding, and clinical expertise in endodontics. Your doctor wants the best endodontic treatment for you; Lake Cumberland Endodontics is here to provide it.

After you are seated in the chair, your Doctor will examine your mouth, x-ray your tooth and decide if the pulp in your tooth is diseased and therefore needs a root canal. He will use digital radiography; an advanced computerized imaging system that produces radiation levels 90% lower than conventional dental x-rays. You will be given a local anesthetic to numb your tooth and a “rubber dam” or protective sheet will be placed over your tooth to isolate it during the procedure.

A small window will be made in the top of your tooth and very small instruments will be used to clean the diseased pulp out of the pulp chamber and the root canals. This is necessary because your body cannot repair the diseased pulp material in the root canal space of the tooth by itself.

Finally, a root canal filling material will be put into the cleaned canal and pulp space to seal it and prevent future abscesses from developing. A temporary filling will be placed in the tooth to protect the work that has just been done. You will need to return to your dentist within the next few days following the root canal treatment to have the temporary filling replaced with a permanent filling. The permanent filling and/or crown will protect the work completed on the pulp, restore your tooth’s surface and protect the tooth from fracture. Most important, your tooth has been saved; it should last as long as your other teeth. And, if you are like most patients at Lake Cumberland Endodontics, you will be pleasantly surprised with how comfortable the procedure went.